news reporters swarm to get a story

For the Bad News You Bear, Elephant Cares

The news is often perilous to navigate, and at times it seems that there’s nothing good happening anywhere. The drama in the political world is unbearable to watch consistently, and the arguing is constant on both sides. We don’t care about your political affiliation here at Elephant, but we fully acknowledge your ability to be disturbed by it. Second, the weather seems to be causing damage all over the world, India, the States, Japan all have horrible floods from the past hurricane season and devastating injury and property damage statistics.

The list goes on. We’ve experienced the worst shooter in U.S. history that took place in Las Vegas a short time ago. More instances of terrorist attacks have taken place on our senators, law enforcement, citizens, etc. The swirl of rage and compassion is difficult to deal with. We all react differently to the news, but if there’s one thing we can agree on is that this year has been a terrible year for news.

Then again, that seems to be the case recently. Every day a horrific news article comes out and with the criticism fro officials on each individual matter it’s tough to glean the absolute truth from any of it. The misinformation seems fitting due to the amount of people involved in online discourse. There’s never been a time like this in human history where more people have access to express their opinions and reactions to each event that takes place. The media has a had a good year financially, however.

Police in Paris

Some Good News Please?

We’re not here to burn down the establishment, or make any efforts to solve world peace. One thing that we are here to do for though is help you in getting your metal building project up and running easily, conveniently, and at a price you can afford. Not only does it appear at times that the world is a dumpster fire, but the job market is tough out there. Sometimes you need safe storage that you simply can’t pay for up front. We can help you. We have financing options available, including some that require speaking with a building advisor.

Unfortunately, these days are tough to get through. The stress of just going to work, picking up the kids, doing chores, and cooking dinner, can leave your plans to build a building on the back burner. We’ve got some more good news. All you need to do is either design a building yourself through our online builder here, or purchase one by shopping by photo, or even just make a quick call with an idea of what you’re project will be. Our building advisors will be quick to help you get exactly what you need. In fact, helping you do just that is their job. Really.

Elephants Never Forget

We’ve been in the business for a long while, and our employees have been even longer. The combined experience they have in designing a variety of metal structures is unparalleled in the industry. Whatever you need, they’ve got experience doing it. If it’s a unique building with custom specifications, our seasoned engineers have not forgotten how to learn new tricks. The #1 aspect we look for in our employees is the ability to adapt and never stop learning. Fortunately our product brought the best to us, so searching wasn’t hard.

It’s not all bad news out there folks, some people are just trying to help. If you want some extra cheering up and aren’t interested in ordering a building, try this one on for size:

“The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser – in case you thought optimism was dead.”

– Robert Brault

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