More than 75 percent of detached homes have a carport or garage. So, what are you waiting for?

Share This:FacebookTwitteremailWarning: a cringe-worthy moment awaits. Do you remember your high school days when it was cool to follow the latest trend or fad? Like when everyone had the latest pair of those annoying light-up shoes or those unsightly jean jackets? While we would never encourage you to blindly attach yourself to the bandwagon without …

Full-time RV’ing is changing the way Americans live

Share This:FacebookTwitteremailA new trend is sweeping America. Jaded by the traditional lifestyle of brick and mortar homes, wannabe wanderers of all ages are hitting the open road to start life anew in a recreational vehicle. In the past, RV’s are most commonly used for long-distance vacations or recent retirees looking to explore America in their …

Metal Carport Estimate

Share This:FacebookTwitteremailMetal Carport Estimate The Way to a Custom Metal Carport Estimate Increasingly, products and services are being catered individually to each customers needs. Even new technologies like the Iphone or Google Glass are tools that can be only experienced by an individual for the advanced cult of individual personality.  It’s the way of …

Carport Manufacturers

Share This:FacebookTwitteremailElephant Structures: King of Carport Manufacturers Why choose Elephant Structures over competitor carport manufacturers? Because of what we value: individuality, durability, and sustainability. Elephant Structures Values Individuality: Our carports are customizable and upgradable to cater to the needs of each individual customer.   Catering to customers in 48 states across America, we’ve developed a …

Carport Safety: Vehicle blues got you down?

Share This:FacebookTwitteremailCarport Safety gives your car the edge. Your car deserves it, so do you! Get a carport! Are you tired of cleaning your vehicle every week only to have it rain as soon as you get in the house? This type of “vehicle blues” would make anyone’s day gloomy but we can offer a …