How to Choose the Right Size Carport

How To Choose the Right Size Carport

The first thing you need to decide when building a metal carport is how the carport will be used. Consider how much space you’ll need to adequately protect your belongings from the elements and be sure to think about the future if you plan to acquire any additional vehicles that may need storage.
18x26 Picnic Shelter

Select the Perfect Width When Building a Metal Carport

Carport sizes vary by the width and range from single carports to triple carports. Generally, single car carports provide enough room for one car, double carports hold two cars and triple carports can accommodate three cars. Of course, you may want to use your metal carport for something other than storing a vehicle. If this is the case, you’ll want to add the total number of feet that you want to cover in order to find the right carport size for your needs.

  • Single Carports – Single carports are 12 feet wide and are ideal for most single vehicles. However, if you’re planning to use a single carport to store a trailer, RV or motorhome, you may want to go up a size as it may be difficult to maneuver a large vehicle into the narrow opening.
  • Double Carports – Double carports are anywhere from 18 to 24 feet wide. You can use a 2 car carport for storing two cars or a larger recreational vehicle. While an 18 foot wide 2 car carport can accommodate two small cars, it’s generally recommended that you chose a wider double carport for housing anything bigger than two small cars. To determine how much space you may need, measure both cars and take into account how much room you need on all sides to get in and out of the vehicle.
  • Triple Carports – Triple carports are generally 26 to 30 feet wide and provide ample space for storing up to three vehicles. A 3 car carport also allows room for storing other things, like tractors and boats.

RV carport with panels on the side and regular style roof.

Other Factors to Consider When Deciding Between Metal Carport Sizes

In addition to the width, carport designs also factor in the length and height of the metal carports.

When choosing the size you want to build a metal carport, consider how tall you need it to be. Obviously, metal carports that store a recreational vehicle will need to be taller than those that cover a car. You’ll want to choose a carport that offers just the right amount of height in order to increase the protection and stability of the unit. Steel carports that are too tall may not offer enough protection from the weather or may be more likely to blow over in strong winds.

20x26 Custom Double Wide Carport
The length is determined by how long your vehicle is and typically is available in carport designs of 21, 26 and 31 feet long. The shorter lengths are ideal for cars while larger trucks and recreational vehicles may need more space to make sure that they are completely covered.

There are many metal carport sizes available to suit your needs; just be sure to take all of the carport dimensions into consideration before building a carport in order to ensure that you find your perfect match.

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